Dhaka division

The number of people who know at least one mode of HIV infection have decreased in 2017 in comparison to the previous year. But the number of people who know unsafe sex is a mode of HIV infection have increased.
Chattogram division

The number of people who know at least one mode of HIV infection have decreased in 2017 in comparison to the previous year. But the number of people who know unsafe sex is a mode of HIV infection have increased about 5% in 2017.
The number of people who consider magic/super natural power and mosquito bites as source of HIV infection have decreased in 2017.
Sylhet division

The number of people who think they might get infected with HIV by sharing food with a HIV-positive person have decreased in 2017.
Also the number of people who consider magic/super natural power and mosquito bites as source of HIV infection have decreased. But number of people with knowledge of unsafe sexual relation as a mode of HIV infection have increased in 2017.
Barishal division

The number of people who know at least one mode of HIV infection have increased in 2017 in comparison to the previous year. But number of people with knowledge of unsafe sexual relation as a mode of HIV infection have decreased.
The number of people who consider magic/super natural power and mosquito bites as source of HIV infection have increased in 2017.
Rajshahi division

In 2017, the number of people who know at least one mode of HIV infection remained almost same to that of 2016. But the number of people with knowledge of unsafe sexual relation as a mode of HIV infection have increased by 10%.
The number of people who consider magic/super natural power and mosquito bites as source of HIV infection have decreased in 2017.
Khulna division

The number of people with knowledge of unsafe sexual relation as a mode of HIV infection have increased. But the number of people with knowledge of risk of HIV infection by avoiding use of condom during sex have decreased by 7%.
The number of people who consider magic/super natural power and mosquito bites as source of HIV infection have decreased in 2017.
Rangpur division

The number of people with knowledge of unsafe sexual relation as a mode of HIV infection have increased in 2017. But the number of people with knowledge of risk of HIV infection by avoiding use of condom during sex have decreased.
The number of people who consider magic/super natural power and mosquito bites as source of HIV infection have decreased in 2017.